Friday, July 9, 2010

Recalls and doctors and worry, oh my!

I haven't been doing much of my usual writing lately, but there is a reason.  I've been busy doing a lot of research for a very important private client:  myself.

It's not just my blogging here that's been affected, although I'll be the first to admit that this blog is hardly scintillating reading.  Even so, the fact that my life has inexplicably turned into an episode of House deserves its own blog.  Or several.  I'm still deciding how best to approach it, but I do know that my recent medical travails-- and the pain and unpleasantness that looms in my near future-- can help lots of people.  I just haven't decided yet how best to approach it.

One thing I haven't had to worry about personally is J&J's expanded Tylenol recall, even though it's gone beyond kid's OTC drugs. I've written this excellent article covering the expanded Tylenol recall-- which in addition to Tylenol covers Motrin, St. Joseph Asprin, Rolaids and Benydryl. Luckily for me, I'm not a big fan of Tylenol, although the expanded recall will probably scare most households, and not just in Dallas, either.  Actually, we do have some Rolaids around the house-- I'll have to go check the lot numbers to see if they've been recalled before DH reaches for the bottle.

No appointments with any of my expanding army of crack medical professionals today.  Which gives me plenty of time to have a heart to heart with the insurance company-- a task I've been dreading and putting off for weeks now.  Looks like the next person to reach for the (hopefully not subject to recall) Rolaids may be me.

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