Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm still stuck on Monday

So, yesterday when I got up-- not necessarily bright, but very early-- the internet was out.  And by the time the hubster stumbled out to greet his day 2.5 hours later, I had just, finally, got it back up.  My computer was still rebooting, hadn't got a thing done but fix it.

Monday: 1; Kat: 0.

Today still feels like Monday.  (sigh)

Two new articles up at Examiner, and important ones:  my easy basic vegetable stock recipe , and today's article  on how to turn that master stock recipe into dozens of ethnic stock recipes so you can make all sorts of ethnic foods.  Pretty cool, right?  Bookmark it, my friends; it's good stuff.

Oh, and I made some soup.  Awesome soup.  I'll be posting the recipe soon, methinks.
And now, I have to go brave teh grocery sotre.  More Monday, I'm afraid.

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