Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, monday.

This is annoying: Associated Content has not been posting links on twitter as my articles are published.  There are at least two articles for Breast Cancer Awareness Month that I've published that haven't been sent out for a start:  alternative herbal remedies for chemotherapy side effects, and one about the common breast cancer drugs Tamoxifen and raloxifene, which are SERMS and commonly prescribed for ER-positive breast cancer tumors.  It's annoying because it means less pvs (and therefore money) for me, and also because I think these articles could help a lot of people.

In other news, I'm still waiting to hear back on my $25 AC call for content article.  It sounds like everybody else has heard back and been published, but not me!  I suppose I should be used to it by now. (sigh)

It's a rainy cold Monday here in the big D, perfect for writing.  Which is exactly what I was doing until DH discovered that worms have been eating my heirloom tomatoes, which necessitated a writing break  to spray those suckers down, as well as the rest of my tomato plants.  Peppers and pomegranates, too: basically whatever looked like it might be yummy to bastard bugs.  Also, I noticed that my basil seems to have come down with some sort of fungus.  I'm blaming that one on too much rain.

Finally, over on, I'm getting good response on my Dallas Ethnic Foods Examiner gig.  I wrote an article on my recipe for Warm Patlican Salatasi that has been well recieved, and readers loved the pictures accompanying my article on the Lebanese Food Festival so much that I'm working on a slide show of middle eastern food.  In fact, I suppose I should get back to it now.

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